Google Reviews For Business: How to Get More Positive Reviews

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Google reviews are public comments and ratings left by customers about your business. A positive review will help potential customers know that your business is worth their time and money, while a negative review can deter potential customers from doing business with you. If you’re struggling to get more Google reviews, follow these five steps to generate more positive reviews on Google and boost your online reputation.

5 Tips for getting more good Google Reviews

  • Claim your business on Google My Business. This will allow you to respond to reviews left about your business.
  • Encourage customers to leave google reviews by asking them directly or by providing a link on your website or in your email signature.
  • Make it easy for customers to leave reviews by creating a Google reviews link.
  • Respond to both positive and negative reviews in a professional manner. This shows that you care about your customers’ experiences. If someone has a complaint, take the time to address their concerns with the best solution possible.
  • Be aware of how other customers view your company by reading customer reviews online. If people are complaining about something, this is an opportunity for you to make things right before someone else does it for you!
Sumanta Biswas Google Review

5 Types of good google reviews

1. The Raving Fan – This customer is thrilled with your product or service and can’t wait to tell the world about it. They leave detailed, positive google reviews and are happy to recommend your business to others.
2. The Satisfied Customer – This customer is happy with their purchase and leaves a positive review, but doesn’t go into a lot of detail.

3 Things to remember when responding to a negative google reviews

  • Don’t take it personally – remember that the person leaving the review is not attacking you as a person, they are simply expressing their opinion about your business.
  • Respond promptly – the sooner you respond, the better. This shows that you are willing to listen to feedback and address any concerns customers may have.
  • Be professional – keep your response polite and respectful, even if the review is not.

3 Free tools every business owner should know

As a business owner, you know that online reviews can make or break your business. You also know that Google is the king of online search. So it makes sense that you want to get more positive reviews on Google. Here are three free tools that can help you do just that


  • Likeable – Likes boost rankings in Google and Facebook searches
  • ReviewSnap – Lets customers review your company and/or product with one click
  • Yotpo – A robust customer engagement platform that lets you showcase what customers say about you on your website


There are many ways to explore  Google Review and you can always do so,

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Sumanta Biswas

Creator & Entrepreneur

I began as a cashier in Bangalore, India, and grew to become a Store Manager with 6 years in retail. Proficient in operations, inventory, and customer service. Now, I guide small brands in store operations and effective marketing strategies, including instore promotions and Instagram collaborations.

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